Meet June’s Birthstone: The Majestic Pearl
“The rarest things in the world, next to a spirit of discernment,…

April Showers Bring May . . . Emeralds
Emerald is a precious gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl colored green by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium.

Still Need A Gift for Your Valentine? New Products Launching All Day Today & Tomorrow
New Fine Jewelry & Custom Engagement Rings

Tips For A Successful Valentine’s Day Jewelry Gift Purchase!
Tips to ease the stress of finding the perfect gift for your Valentine this year!

Find The Perfect Size From Home!
Simply print, check the scale and measure. If you can't be measured by a jeweler, or you want to keep a ring purchase a surprise, this is the tool you need.

72% of Men Need Help When Shopping for THE Ring!
Choosing the right ring doesn't have to be hard - Don't be overwhelmed, let Susan help!

She Said Yes! Baseball Player Proposes On The Field
Check out Vince's Proposal! We've heard that Nicole loves her custom-made Grants Jewelry engagement ring!

Mysterious Opals
These three types of opal are all very different from one another. It wasn't until recently that we understood how each differed from one another, and from traditional opals.

Precious Gems Shine at Lincoln Center
"Emeralds," "Rubies" and "Diamonds" will dazzle…

Art Deco & The Jazz Age: Now Being Celebrated at Cooper-Hewitt
The worldwide community of museums will celebrate International…

The Jewelry of The Art Deco Period
"It was the style of the flapper girl and the factory, the…

The Sapphire Event!
Join Us Wednesday, Sept 22 from 4 -8pm
for The 5th Annual Sapphire…